Monday 28 February 2011

UK's Current System

Pros & Cons


  • The ratings provide clear, convenient guidelines that everybody can understand and follow.
  • Parents do not want to have to research every film before deciding what is appropriate for their children
  • There is a certain amount of fluidy - local authorities can overrule ratings if they or local residents disagree with it
  • The guidelines are updated every 5 years in order to stay relevant
  • Detailed information about the rating of every film is available on the BBFC website
  • Ratings are only very loosely enforced in both cinemas and DVD stores
  • Although the information is available online, many people are not aware of it and therefore do not know what each film contains. This is a particular problem for parents and the 12A rating.
  • All children are scared by different things, raising questions about whether age is the best way to classify films
  • Many children are exposed to the images/language etc outside of film, eg at school or on TV
Do you think the way films are regulated is sensible, useful to society and achieves its aim to protecting the vulnerable and upholding the law?

I think that it is very important to have an effective method of regulating films so that young children are not exposed to adult themes and images at a young age, and I believe that the BBFC does this in the best way possible. I think that is i necessary, due to the nature of society, where everyone is scared and offended by different things, to use a very broad system that may seem slightyl over-protective of some children in order to make sure that the content is appropriate for everyone.

Is there anything you think could be done to improve the current system?

I believe that the system itself does not need much improving, as long as it continues to update itself to reflect current values. However, I think that the details of each film and each classification need to be better advertised to parents so that they can make more informed choices about what their children view if they want to